Insider Reports

Insider Reports

Thomson Reuters "insiders," who include our directors and some of our officers, are required to file insider reports in Canada through the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders. This system is commonly referred to as "SEDI."

Since we are a "foreign private issuer" for purposes of U.S. federal securities law, our insiders are exempted from filing insider reports with the U.S. SEC on Forms 3, 4 and 5. Under Canadian law, insider reports generally must be filed within 10 days of a triggering event, such as a purchase, sale, grant of options or exercise of options relating to Thomson Reuters common shares.

You can access the SEDI website by clicking the link below or going to Historical insider reporting prior to June 2003 is not available through SEDI and is only available in paper format.

SEDI uses dynamic Internet sessions that precludes us from providing a link directly to the filings for Thomson Reuters and our insiders. However, insider reports and certain related information are available on the SEDI website, which you can access as follows:

  • To view an insider's profile, click "Access public filings" and then click "View insider information."
  • To view our issuer profile or issuer event reports, click "Access public filings" and then click "View issuer information."
  • To view summary reports compiled for the applicable securities regulatory authorities, click "Access public filings" and then click "View summary reports."
  • When prompted by SEDI for "Issuer Name" or "Issuer Number," you can search for "Thomson Reuters Corporation" or you can enter our Issuer Number - 00001065.
